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BBW Dance Night: Apologies

It is with some serious regret that I have to be writing this, Our planned event did not happen. The reason for this is simple, the Deposit for the venue had not been paid. This is purely my own fault. No Tickets had actually been purchased before the night and I had tried to pull the funds from our own income to try and cover this fee. I would like to take this time to remind people that we are not Professionals and we never advertise or say we are, and while I say we the fact is that it is ME a single guy who generally works behind the scenes. My Wife helps when she is able but promotes the site more than any actual work on or behind the scenes.

I was advised to charge the Dancers a Booking Fee which they would have received back at the end of the night, but after finding no one local I had to widen my search and was amazed at the support we received in what we were trying to do. Knowing that the Dancers would each have to pay Travel and over night stay I decided that the Booking Fee may have been too much, and when one of the Dancers had said she had spent around £400 and was non refundable I knew I had made a fair call not expecting a Booking Fee.

While I have said that I had tried to raise the funds to pay the deposit every time I had the money something of personal importance required paying. The Club allowed me some extra time including up to the day before the event, which I was assured by a friend who could lend me the money that day and take it in. I spent biggest part of the day waiting for a responce from the Venue and even on the night of the event the message had not been seen. Most of the corrispondence between Me and the Venue was done via Facebook Chat. At the last minute my Friend was unable to lend me the money which made things very tense. I spent the evening trying to raise the funds and the morning of the event with no luck.

While I cannot disclose the personal reasons behind what the money (Our Money) was spent on I can say that two large payments were made to allow me and my wife to be able to attend the event in which we were trying to raise the money for, otherwise the event would have happened and we would not have been there which is as equally as bad as the situation I am faced with now. Not once in the entire planning of this event did we intend to cause the event to fail, we had put our own money in to advertising the event, purchasing Tickets, travel, time and effort, all of which we cannot claim back from anyone.

So after trying for several days to raise the funds I had hoped the Venue who had been trying to get hold of me and then never responded to messages, would still allow the event to go a head. The venue owner was with reason very stern and despite spending hours trying to get hold of him to explain, would not give me more than 2 minutes of his time. I take full responsibility for the fact the Deposit wasn't paid, but will not take the accusation that we are a scam.

BBW Angels has been running for over 3 years for no financial gain, purely to assist in the Promotion of Women like my Wife. I spend time explaining what we do, how we do it and are open about as much as we can be. This event was the first time we had tried anything like it and while many of us had high hopes for it, it was far from a scam. We wanted to walk a way from the event with our heads held high to prove even our own doubters wrong, being in a position to secure a second night and consider more up and down the country because we were having people asking if we could. It would have been a brilliant chance for us to inject some cash in to what we do here and for the Dancers involved to have some regualr stage work.

Despite the advertising we done we found that people would rather have paid on the door, one of the reasons for this was there was no paper trail for them. Which due to the nature of the event was some what expected but we tried anyway, even reducing our Ticket Prices and offering bulk purchases to save money for groups. Had I any idea that my personal life would have thrown so many issues in the way I would not have even considered an event. Even while speaking to the Husband of one of the Dancers I hid the fact I was struggling because it was in my head my event to deal with, his help in advertising the event I cannot questions and am gutted to have let him down for all his own hard work.

I am also deeply sorry that the Dancers paid out what they did and I wish I could have been able to refund all their money there and then, but I could not. I did however ask each of them to provide me with a figure for their Travel and Over Night Costs which I am happy to get back to them. As we make no money through BBW Angels the Money is coming out of my own pocket, If I was or even trying to scam them I would not be so willing to get them their money. If I was scamming them I would have asked for a Booking Fee, I would not have turned up on the Night.

I do undertsand that they are angry and honestly they have good reason to be as I let them down but I did not do so lightly, I have spent so much time and effort in to this event trying to do things but getting let down, I hate letting people down, it actaully makes me ill. My home life is manic at the best of times and it's no excuse but when things fallen apart at home it takes a lot to sort them out let alone when I have other things going on as well. I do not want people to read this and think he's just after sympathy because I'm not, my life is what it is, and only those close to us know how it is, I don't expect others to beleieve or understand, why would you, because honestly if your lives were as manic as mine, and they make you feel the way I do all the time, i'd not expect you to be reading this.

It's because I care and don't want the Dancers out of pocket that I offered to repay them because they didn't deserve this. Why in the World would someone who had just SCAMMED people be willing to repay the Dancers? Most of them were aware that the event was a risk, for us all, it would be no different if I had paid the Deposit and no one turned up on the night, even if they had bought tickets, or that no one wanted private dances, or those with tickets had only come to sneer and make remarks, there were so many risks of failure or not going as well as we hoped as there were pulling off a fantastic night.

What ever the backlash is from this I will face, because I am not hiding away, I am not a Scam and I work as hard as I can, doing what I can, when I can not for me but to help others. I will not apologies for trying but I will for failing.

If people want to believe we are a scam then that is your right to believe it, but the truth is we are two people trying to do something good and help and unfortunatly things can go wrong, that doesn't make us bad people, doesn't make us scammers, doesn't mean we are after anything. The reason we are doing this is because there are enough fakes and scammers out there, we wanted to buid something people could trust in for the right reasons, and while this is going to hit us hard we will bounce back, one bad turn out doesn't mean it's over, it means we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, learn from the mistakes and not make the same mistakes again.

Thank You for reading this.

To all the Dancers I let Down, you honestly do not know how bad I feel letting you down, I am unmeasurably sorry and will make it up in what ever way I can.

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