In Focus: Darcie Leigh
Hello and Thank You for taking the time to sit down with us and let us in to your life a little more.
Lets Start with something easy. What was the reason you decided to become a BBW Model?
Several years ago, i was a shrinking violet in life, i was very miserable, with my self, and at rock bottom. One day something different happened and i had a moment where i knew i had to make changes, so i decided to look into BBWand BBW modelling and thought i had nothing to loose giving it a go, and my life has been so enriched since!
Has it been an easy path to follow?
Its not always been easy, i had to over come some attitudes, and learn things like posing and styling, and somethings worked some didint but its been a fun adventure!
What has been your toughest hurdle to over come?
Building my confidence up was a hurdle at first, but i wouldnt swap and go back now for all the world! Some people still can make the odd rude comment which can be quite cruel, but at the end of the day thats their issue not mine!
How did you manage to over come it, or how do you plan to over come it if it's still an issue?
As time passed i was luckily able to learn to let the comments just wash over me, and laugh them off instead of getting hurt badly by them. I guess this came as my confidence grew.
On the other side of things, what has been your greatest moment so far modelling?
My greatest moment has been all those times ive received wonderful compliments from fans, but my heart was really touched the day a lady said to me how much she admired my self confidence and positive outlook that shone through im my pictures and that she wished she had my confident self love outlook. That really made me smile considering three years ago i wouldnt hardly ever get a photo taken and hated myself so badly.
What or Who has helped you achieve this pivotal moment?
Joing some of the bbw groups on facebook and following bbw models on instagram and BBW Angels website really helped me, which in turn inspired me to have a go, and im always thinking up ideas for different style photo shoots. In turn i now go out the house in my own chosen style embrasing myself standing out from the crowd instead of trying to shrink into the background.
What would you like to achieve in the next Year?
Finish my course and qualify for my career, and really would love to explore the BBW modelling scene in more depth.
Can you describe yourself in five words?
Loyal, loving, fiesty, unique, and impatient (a little bit lol)))
If there was one Quote that you would live by what would it be?
'Everything Happens For a Reason' which my mother always tells me, and is often very true in heinsight.
What would your last Meal be?
Thats a tough question, it would have to be either a nice potato and leek gratin or a yummy crispy skinned baked potato with cheese, coleslaw and salad.
What is your best personal achievement to date?
I am currently studying to be a clinical hypnotherapist to help people work on their own life challenges such as fears, phobias, stopping smoking, addictions etc, and so far have passed 7 out of the 8 exams required to qualify.
If you could change one thing you have done what would it be and why?
I wish i had discovered the 'bbw groups and modelling scene' a lot sooner, instead of all those years of self loathing as i felt an outcast and constantly trying to eat next to nothing. Since the modelling i have learnt to accept myself for who i am instead of trying to fit into societies idea of who i should be, as a result im much happier.
If you could work with any other BBW Model who would it be?
I have two ladies in mind whom i would love to work with, BabyJane and also Melanie Cohen, both are gorgeous ladies not letting the word bring them down and loving the body they are in.
Would you say that the imagine BBWs portray is a positive one?
Like everything in life wether very thin or bbw build there is good and bad people in all builds of people. Yes people tend to assume that a lot of larger build, bbw types are lazy and greedy, but there are many bbw out there now, living life to the full, with grace and airs of a body confidence positivity role models. Some work really hard to encourage body acceptance whatever peoples sizes and builds are, and i feel this is a great image to portray especially in this day and age when so many young inflential teenage girls are being steered by sterotypical magazine articles and bullying.
How do you think the industry could be more supportive of larger models?
The industry is improving but in my oppinion they need to use more realistic models, not all bbw's are large and in proportion, so lets embrase the models who dont have the perfect larger hour glass figure etc. I also feel they need to be using more models not just a size 16 but a size 22/24 upwards.
What do you struggle with the most in every day life due to your size?
Sometimes fashion for BBW's can be a little frumpy in some stores, comparred to the clothes prints for the petite and 'normal' build clothing. Over the last few years ive noticed gradual improvements on this front.
Sometimes its also a struggle facing peoples prejudices on why BBW's are larger build, (ie assumptions we all stuff ourselves full of cake 24/7) and some people can be cruel, luckily ive learnt to grow a thicker skin, and see the real issue for these people isnt my 'fatty build' but their upbringing that encouraged them to be disrespectful and lacking in manners
If your health demanded it would you slim down?
yes i would, however i am happy being a BBW and never aim to be a size 8 etc. I am who i am, im happy within myself, so would put my health first, but am not going to beat myself up emotionally obsessing about being someone im not.
What words of advice would you give to other women who may be considering becoming a BBW Model?
Go for it, its so much fun once you get into it. Its enjoyable thinking up new shoot ideas, working on outift and make up styles, and its lovely to have pictures to look back on when youre older and feel proud you gave it a try.
What would you say to other larger women who may be a little shy about their figure?
The moment you learn to accept we are all different and embrase the body youve been given, the closer you are on the path to improved self confidence and happiness. I used to be caught up in the vicuious self loathing dieting trap and was always miserable thinking guys only like thinner women. Since i was able to make peace with myself and accept my build i smile a lot more and am more outgoing, which in turn means i get chatted up and admired a lot more frequently. That in itself whilst isnt the be all and end all of life, is none the less a lovely confidence boost.
As a Model what is the worst thing a Fan has asked you to do?
guys often try requests for sexting, and swapping naked pics which i dont randomly do.
What is the nicest thing a Fan has ever said to you?
That I am stunning and they thought i was out of their league to even get a chance to date me.
Who is your Male Celebrity Crush?
Matthew Hussey the life and dating coach, author, he has some brilliant advice on you tube, facebook etc, on making the most of life, in a very down to eart easy to follow way
Who is your Female Celebrity Crush?
Adele- very tallented and doesnt feel the need to conform to societies idea that you have to be stick thin to be sucessful.
Would you recommend us at BBW Angels to others?
Yes most definitely, a very lovely website ran by a down to earth couple.
Who do you Nominate from our Profile list to do this interview?
I'd love to Nominate BabyJane
Thank you again for your time and we wish you all the best.